We want practitioners to have the confidence and freedom to do what they do every day. Our inspectors are tasked with finding out what it is like for children to attend their setting not just on the day of the inspection but every day. Therefore, we ask providers not to do anything differently just for the inspection.
Being a right-touch regulator is one of our new strategic priorities. This means ensuring that our regulation promotes high-quality care, education, and safeguarding for children, while being proportionate in our approach and reducing any unnecessary bureaucracy or burden. We’re also …
This blog post explains a bit more about how and why nannies might think about registering with Ofsted and what that can mean for parents who employ a nanny.
This blog explains the difference is between registering with a childminder agency (CMA) or registered with Ofsted.
This blog explains what you need to do once you've decided to become an early years childminder and what you need to do to make sure you’re ready to be registered.
Yvette Stanley, Ofsted's National Director Regulation and Social Care; Gill Jones, Deputy Director, Schools and Early Education; and Alex Magloire, our Deputy Director, Early Years Regulatory Practice, launch Ofsted's new early years blog.