This blog was updated in August 2024 to reflect changes to the EYFS paragraph numbers.
The Chancellor recently announced an optional change to childcare ratios from 1:4 to 1:5 for two-year-old children. This change applies from September 2023.
All other staff-to-child ratios remain the same.
While the Department for Education sets the ratios, we want to make sure that the way that they work is well understood.
We know that many providers find ratios complicated. The questions we get asked most frequently on our Childcare Registration Facebook page are about ratios.
We want to help by setting out the answers to a few frequently asked questions:
- Staff-to-child ratios apply to the whole provision, not each room. It is up to you how you deploy your staff. For example, you may need fewer members of staff in the baby room when they are sleeping than when they are awake. Or you may want more staff observing children during mealtimes. The decision is yours, but we may ask you to explain your rationale.
- We are sensitive to the pressures with recruitment and retention. We may only focus on ratio requirements if there are concerns for the children in your care. We will not be constantly carrying out headcounts when we’re inspecting. Our focus is on what it is like to be a child in your care.
- To be counted in the ratios, staff must be at least 17 years old (with some exceptions for apprentices). They must also be suitable. This means that each childminder should have an Ofsted suitability decision letter. Nurseries must carry out their own recruitment checks and determine suitability.
- For group providers, the ratio requirements are only for children, up until 1st September following their fifth birthday. However, you should consider whether the care of any older children has an impact on the early years children. You must be able to demonstrate that you can meet the needs of all children. For childminders, the maximum is always 6 children under the age of 8.
- There are some exceptions where you can exceed the ratios. However, you must maintain the quality of care and the safety and security of the children. We may ask you to demonstrate that you can do this. You should inform parents and carers about staff deployment and involve them in these decisions if possible.
Examples of when childminders can make exceptions are set out in the framework for the EYFS in paragraph 3.45. They include caring for siblings and caring for your own children. Even when exceptions are permitted, for childminders and assistants, the maximum is always 6 children per adult. Group providers can also make exceptions and this is set out in paragraph 3.39.
While we hope these pointers are useful, it is your responsibility to read, understand and demonstrate your ability to meet the ongoing requirements for registration. Ratio requirements are flexible, but you should be able to explain your rationale for how you deploy staff or assistants.
Our inspectors are not trying to catch you out. We just want to know that you are keeping children safe and providing high-quality early education and care. That is our priority.
Comment by Chris Bourne posted on
Thank you this is very helpful and very easy to understand.
Comment by CHERYL KNIGHT posted on
It might be good to post in your F Q & A:
Please could you clarify the ratios for EYP's and EYT's. The framework states 13 children to each EYP/EYT with a level 3 practitioner supporting who can also have 8 children, so could you clarify that means 21 children (3+yrs) and for 2 EYP/EYT's directly caring for children in the setting the total number is 26 children.
We do not choose to operate on this ratio as we do not feel it offers safe, high quality care and education, but this has come up quite often in discussions and blogs so there seems to be some confusion across the sector.
Comment by Jane posted on
Hi just wanting to know if there are children at the end of the night let's say 3 x3yrs old 2x2yrs old 1x1 yes old can there be 1 level 3 and 2 level 2 staff or is it 2 level3s and 1 level 2 ?
Comment by Nicola watts posted on
Im looking for some info regarding child ratios, I am a supervisor for a after school club where i also prep and feed the children. There are on average 16 in one sitting that i am supposed to be supervising , making and serving the meals for. is this ratio of adult to children accurate.
Comment by Rachel Sketchley posted on
I have recently been asked to look after twins ( siblings of a child I already look after ) I have also had an enquiry for a 2 year old.
I already have 3 other children ( 2 three year olds and a one year old )
Can I take on the 2 year old as well as the twins ? This would take me to 6 , 3 days a week.
I have lots of space a separate building in my garden which I use purely for child minding. The council class me as a nursery because of this
Comment by susan emeny posted on
Thank you for the clarification, I as a manager consider this a fantastic decision.
1. It gives me as a B.A.Hons. person the ability to consider the allocation of staff to children in a more flexible and meaningful way, for example you may have a group of eight children with a level 3 staff person, within that group are two children who require some one to one support as individuals.
The two children may not have a diagnosis, but clearly cannot manage being in a group of eight, so in this instance I support the the two children in a smaller group. As the new ratios offers the ability of a manger or senior person to make decisions within the setting which clearly impacts on the whole of the setting and not just one group.
Also it offers the opportunity for the whole of the setting to be planned on
providing a safe and secure setting, empowering quality staff who know each child as individuals to work with myself and my deputy in moving children and staff to a place where everyone is safe and learning appropriately. Thank you
Comment by Lesley Abigail posted on
I believe if you are changing the ratio you should increase the pay of the employees as this is more work for us and that means there will be more children
Comment by Lisa posted on
My question is what is the ratio adults per children in an after school club setting
Comment by Paul Coco-Bassey posted on
what is the ration in semi-independent setting?
Comment by Matt White posted on
Can you have less staff to children ratio if children are asleep, for instance if you had 9 children under 2 years of age asleep would you have to have 3 staff, or can the staff ratio be reduced as they are sleeping?
Comment by Mrs M posted on
Do the qualification requirements (listed under seperate age groups just like the ratios) also apply to the whole setting and not each room?
Comment by Cara posted on
What _are_ the ratios in force right now? I can find blogposts saying they changed from 4:1 to 5:1, but I really want one webpage I can refer back to that will be kept up to date.
Comment by Sharon Aplin posted on
If a practitioner is in an apprenticeship working towards level 3, what level can they be counted in ratio?